
1. General Conditions 

1.1. The Site uses Cookies and other similar technologies to provide services that best meet the needs of users, as well as to accumulate statistical information to analyze and improve services and this Site. 

1.2. This Document is a part of the Privacy Policy. By using this Site, users signify their agreement to the use of Cookies and other similar technologies according to this Document. 

1.3. If the users do not agree to the Site Administration to use this type of files, users must set the browser settings accordingly or not use this Site. 

2. What Are Cookies and Other Similar Technologies 

2.1. Cookies are small text files stored on a computer, smartphone, or other device that people use to visit this Site. 

2.2. Some of the visited pages may also collect information using pixel tags and web beacons, which are electronic images called one-pixel or blank GIF images. 

2.3. Cookies can be placed on users’ devices by the Site Administration or other operators. The Site Administration uses two types of cookies on the site: 

2.3.1. Session Cookies are temporary files that remain on the device until users leave the site. 

2.3.2. Permanent Cookies remain on the device for a long time or until users manually delete them. 

2.4. Information is collected based on Cookies to help evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the services and this Site. For example, to learn when users visit this Site, how visitors use it, how they interact with email newsletters and other content, remember user preferences, provide a secure and safe service for online transactions, etc. 

2.5. The information collected by such files and technologies is generalized and unrelated to the identification of individual users. However, when purchasing specific products and services on this Site, the Site Administration may use the contact data provided by users in the transaction in combination with information obtained through Cookies and similar technologies to analyze how visitors use this Site and improve it. Contact data is processed according to the User Agreement. 

3. Types of Cookies That Can Be used on the Site 

3.1. Mandatory Cookies. These Cookies allow users to visit sites and use their functions. Disabling them will make it difficult for sites to function and may make their features and services inaccessible. 

3.2. Performance, efficiency and analytics Cookies. These files help the Site Administration understand how users interact with this Site, show problems in its operation, help measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and optimize them for users. 

3.3. Functional Cookies. They help remember users’ individual preferences and personalize the content of this Site for them. 

3.4. Advertising Cookies. They are used to deliver targeted advertising and help the Site Administration evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. The Site Administration may share Cookies with the relevant advertising systems and platforms where the advertisements are placed. 

3.5. Third party web services. Sometimes this Site uses third-party web services. For example, to display certain elements (pictures, videos, presentations, etc.), organize surveys, pay for products, and services through payment systems, etc.. As in the case of social networking buttons, the Site Administration may not prevent these sites or external domains from collecting information about how users use the Site content. 

4. How to Manage Cookies

4.1. Most browsers are initially set to automatically accept Cookies. 

4.2. Users can change their browser settings to block Cookies or alert users when a Cookie is sent to their device. 

4.3. If visitors use multiple devices and browsers to access the Internet, the appropriate settings must be changed in each device. 

5. Changing the Terms of Use of Cookies 

5.1. At its own discretion, the Site Administration may change this Document from time to time. 

5.2. The changes come into force from the moment of publication of the new edition on this Site. 

5.3. The fact of using this Site by the users after making the relevant changes means the users’ consent to accept the new edition of this Document. 

5.4. The date of the last update is indicated at the beginning of this Document. It is recommended to periodically re-read this Document for familiarization with its new edition.

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